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roof ruin by storm

Have you ever found yourself in a difficult situation where your roof has been damaged due to various severe weather conditions or poor installation and use of low quality material?

It is a scenario in which we all have had to suffer more than once in humid areas or areas with a tendency to significant climatic changes.

We know that weather can be unpredictable; for that instance, you always have to be ready if any possible inconvenience may occur near you.

With this blog, you will not only learn types of Roof Damage but also some repair tips.

We’ve done plenty of roof repairs over the years. Happily, we will assist you, providing the highest technology and professional staff.

Roof Damage by Water

damage by water

Remember that not all water damages result from leaks that destroy the interior of your house. Frequently, heavy downpours during a heavy rain can have water accumulating outside your house that ends up making several damage its way into the home through the front door.

Telltale signs of water damage are holes in the roof, dark stains on the wall or siding, and ice dams in the winter. Ensure you have flashing installed during your roofing repair projects. This helps keep the moisture out of intersection points like chimneys or skylights.

Roof Damage by Wind

roof damage

Strong winds are one of the leading causes that roofs can be in their damaged state. These types of damages are the most common types of solid winds witnessed. Strong winds often cause roof damage to homes and commercial buildings.

Strong winds could rip your roof shingles (wood, slate, flagstone, metal, plastic, asphalt and composite) apart, leaving it exposed and at the risk of taking in water and other dangerous objects being blown by the wind.

In other words, high winds have an incredibly destructive force that will undoubtedly cause thousands of dollars in damage. Learn to inspect your roof and identify possible damage, before its too late

Roof Damage by Hail

hail storm damage

A significant difference between hail damage and wind damage is that is damages are less visible. Whether the hail is small or large, the impact on your shingles is often high-speed impact. This can bore holes through your roof or crack your shingles.

Roof Hail damage can be repaired by using high-quality roofing materials that can withstand impact from giant hail pellets 0.2 and 1.75 inches or larger.

In conclusion, it is always best to have our roofs inspected at least twice a year. This will help you anticipate heavy expenses and identify damage to the roof.

Roof Damage by Humidity

Roof Damage by Humidity

Dampness in the roof can be a serious problem if you do not act quickly. What may seem a small detachment of paint can become a leak, ugly stains or mold that, apart from being an aesthetic inconvenience, end up damaging the materials that protect the house. For that reason, it is fundamental that as soon as there is the slightest symptom of humidity to go to a specialist that diagnoses the cause and knows how to attack the problem with greater solvency.

Within the possibilities to fix a problem of humidity there are many types, we can always find cheaper solutions with products that you can find in any specialty store. However, if you want to save you future worries we recommend that you go to a specialist that can examine all your roof and detect the problem better and to give you a solution more in the long term.

Get Professional Assistance

Now that you know which are the leading roof damage types, you can proceed and start taking excellent care of your roof.

If you need professional assistance, don’t hesitate to contact us. We count on the most reliable and professional staff in town.

With years of experience, we have learned the best techniques and know that quality is our primary goal in any project we do. Contact us, and don’t wait until extensive roof damages are made.

Whether repairing or installing a new High Level Roofing is always at your disposal.

(253) 363-7639
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